Home decorating

7 Proven Tips to Prepare a Home for Airbnb Guests

Are you planning to list your home on Airbnb? Before you have guests come over, there are a couple of tips to consider. They will make sure your home looks the best, and give your guests a good experience. This includes doing a deep clean, testing your appliances, and stocking up on amenities.

Read ahead.

1.      Test Your Kitchen Appliances

Test your kitchen appliances; they may be broken. How will your guests cook?If you’re up for it, you can purchase new appliances even if your old one’s work. You’ll be able to charge higher rates, and your kitchen will look better too.

2.      Professional Cleaning

Any Airbnb host would want their home to look good ‘Giving your home a deep clean will help. I’d recommend hiring a professional cleaning service. They would do a more thorough job than you.Remember to look around if you are going the professional cleaning route. There are many cleaners across Australia. You’d want someone who would do the best possible job.If you’re planning on cleaning yourself, do your research. You might use too strong of chemicals otherwise.

3.      Proper Maintenance

Look around for any damages that you have to fix. Not only would they be a sight for sore eyes, but they can be dangerous as well. 

4.      Stock Up on Amenities

You’d not only want the space to look spotless, but you’d also want it to be comfortable. Stock up on amenities and groceries.Speak to your guests and ask them what they would like. Stocking up on their favourite snacks would be a personal touch that will get you a good rating.

5.      Preparation Time

Listing a property without any preparation, and then rushing to get it would be a mistake. Make sure your home is perfect before listing it.  Once you’re done, have a friend inspect it. Maybe they can stay over for a couple of nights? You’ll get honest feedback.

6.      Contact Numbers

Set up a list with emergency contacts.  Of course, include yours. But try and include a couple of neighbours too. Including a trusted plumber and mechanics would also be smart. Write the numbers on a piece of paper and place them somewhere where guests can see. Most hosts stick them to their fridge.

7.      Verify Guests

Airbnb is a great source of income – you can work with users from all over the world. However, this comes with a downside. The site can be unsafe. You never know who will stay in your home. Get your guests to verify their identity. There are several tutorials on how you can do this.

Final Thoughts

So, what did you think about everything that was discussed? There are many ways get a home ready before you host. The best thing to do would be to make sure your house is spotless. Instead of cleaning yourself, you can hire a professional team. Make sure there are no damages either. Look around, or you might get low ratings.

the authorTonishaDuggan